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Undergraduate Course Projects

08/2016 - 05/2021

Biomedical Engineering Major Courses

Robotics Minor Courses

Patient-Specific 3D-Printable Craniofacial Implants

Interdisciplinary Senior Design Capstone (Spring 2021)

Collaborated with three Mechanical Engineering students, three surgeons, and restor3D, a company that 3D-prints biocompatible bone implants, to design and test 3D-printed craniofacial implants using FDA 510K guidelines.

Breast Cancer Cell Image Classifier

Intro to Medical Image Processing (Spring 2021)

Trained three classification algorithms (K-Nearest Neighbors, SVM, Deep Neural Network) to evaluate image classifiers for microscope images of healthy tissue, stroma, and necrosis in breast cells

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Drowsy Driving Detection at the Steering Wheel

Biomedical Instrumentation (Spring 2020)

A closed-loop system to detect drivers falling asleep and prevent drowsy-driving accidents via blood pressure and galvanic skin response.

Presentation PDF Available

Spotify Song Classifier (3 Algorithms)

Machine Learning (Spring 2020)

Tested three algorithms (random forest, support vector machine (SVM) with a nonlinear kernel, and a neural network) to determine which algorithm was best for predicting whether a user would like a given song based on previously liked songs

Impact on Colored LED Stimuli on Stress Responses

Quantitative Engineering Physiology Lab I (Fall 2019)

Studied the effects of the colors red, green, and blue on emotion with galvanic skin response (skin conductance measurement due to perspiration)

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Pill Pal - Assistive Device

Intro to Biomedical Engineering Design (Spring 2019)

Designed, 3D-printed, and assembled a pill-swallowing assistive device for the elderly population who struggle with dysphagia (the fear of swallowing pills). Obtained consent to test the device at a local retirement home and received valuable user feedback!

Presentation PDF Available

Febrile Seizure Detection Sleeve

Problems in Biomedical Engineering (Spring 2018)

Designed and developed a wearable sleeve with sensors to detect irregular heart rates and temperature spikes to predict the onset of infant febrile seizures.

Presentation PDF Available

2022 by Kent Yamamoto

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